about us

Sequoia Sims, the founder of (APS) Alliance Pet Supplies & Treats was inspired by two impactful people in his life. One loved cats, the other loves dogs, so Sequoia grew up around both. His mother, Deborah Joyce Norman (Sunrise-02-25-1952, Sunset 05-17-2008), owned cats for decades. Sequoia’s aunt Mara, a.k.a Mickey, owned dogs for as long as Sequoia can remember. Both were so passionate about the animals they brought into their life. 

Deborah often told Sequoia cat stories about when he was little. How they used to protect him when he was playing as a toddler and try to comfort him when he cried. Unconditional love grew into a strong bond between Sequoia and the cats, much like his mother had with her cats. When she passed away, he had “Sam” engraved on her urn. Sam was a white cat, and his mom’s favorite.

Mara, Sequoia’s aunt was and still is a loving pet owner of dogs, rottweilers in particular. But her bond with them goes beyond being a loving owner. She protects them as if they were her children, treats them like family by serving them roasted rotisserie chickens, and leaves the TV on so they can watch cartoons while she’s at work.

Sequoia’s passion for starting (APS) Alliance Pet Supplies & Treats stems from his connection to the cats and dogs he grew up around, and the love he had for them as family. His passion for pets is why he dedicates himself to supplying other pet lovers with the best variety of pet supplies and treats on the market. Let him help you take good care of your four-legged family members.